Team and Leadership
What makes an effective management team? How can a well performing team create more value than others?
Understanding where and how the team creates value - and for whom - is crucial. Demonstrating outstanding communication skills and holding each other accountable are two other distinctive abilities. We explore how to get there...
What's in it for me?
How you and your team may benefit from engaging in a development process designed and delivered by us
Book a session with us

Senior managers need to relate well to one another. Mistrust creates friction and wastes energy. Subordinates will detect the attitude and copy it. Tust is something we can give - not something we have to earn.
Senior management should be the “power-house” which drives the business up or down. The team works on the business just as much as in the business
Research shows that relationships in top management teams fall into two types: Utilitarian and Personal. Where do you see yourself in relation to your team mates?
How clear is the team purpose? How well is the purpose reflected in your meeting agendas? Let us explore how to become a high performing, value creating team together.
Key Success Factors
Based on the many years of working in the field of team and leadership development, we have learnt that there are a few key success factors which ought to be taken into account.
Basing the program on recent research in the field, enables us to hone in on the factors especially relevant to achieve increased efficacy and to ensure a targeted and focused development process
Amalgamating on-going business issues with identified development themes secures enhanced learning.
Including explicit training elements during and between sessions in order to secure continuous transfer from good plans to new praxis. Training ensures a common understanding of how plans may translate into actual behaviour. This is s necessary basis for the most important development step: Trying it and doing it. Experimenting with new behaviour.
Individual follow-up. Continuous personal and close follow-up with expressed commitment to change is essential in order to secure sustainable change and increased value-added contributions from the team: new praxis.
Base Methodology
We base our work on a number of different proven methodologies and approaches – in addition to our own performance principles. At the heart of our thinking lies the concept of appreciative inquiry in a social constructionist setting.
Appreciation is to recognise the best in people and the world around us – to perceive things that give life, vitality, and excellence to human systems – to affirm past and present strengths, successes, assets and potentials – to increase value.
Social constructionism is where society is a human product – society is actively and creatively produced by human beings – the world is made or invented, rather merely given or taken for granted – social worlds are interpretive nets woven by individuals and groups. We believe in the powers of interpersonal communication and dialogue; how people talk has implications for who we become and what we can do as individuals.
All of the above comes into play through a systemic perspective. Everything is systemic – everything interacts with (affects and is affected by) the things around it – systemic insights into complex situations and problems. Do not deal with the parts of a situation in isolation; deal with them in concert – deal with both the elements of a situation and how they interact with one another.
Natural Teams - And co-creation
We believe every customer wants a program where the investments pay off. Choosing a model for the leadership development program where we work with natural teams, the time invested by each individual will be left to a minimum; minimum investment - maximum gain.
We build on an already planned team meetings. By amalgamating the business agenda with the leadership development agenda (in close co-operation and co-creation with the team leader), the process delivers outstanding value.
The team will experience spending less time/being more constructive and productive in dealing with their business challenges – and at the same time experiencing development both on a personal level and on a team level.
Co-creation is second nature to us. Co-creation is conducive to:
Clear ownership; the customer owns the project. This ownership is strengthened through active participation in the development and implementation of the project
Relevance; the customer knows his business and its challenges best, and thus also knows what is most relevant for their stakeholders
Improved competence transfer; we share our methods and processes through development, implementation and evaluation. This way customer performance continues even after our participation comes to an end.
What's in it for me?
How you and your team may benefit from engaging in a development process designed and delivered by us
Book a session with us
The Outcome
A Team and leadership development process will generate value on three distinctly different levels:
Increased value-added contributions from the Leadership Team to the organisation through increased quality in the Leadership Team’s case-based results.
Increased relational cooperation abilities and quality – within the Leadership Team and between the team and next-level leaders. Increased psychological security and team spirit.
Professional development and learning – on an individual level – for all participants - providing increased individual satisfaction
The expected outcome for the teams - in addition solving specific business challenges:
Become highly effective in terms of delivering results
Deal with the differences in Decision making, Conflict resolution, Communication and Attitude to work
Improve ways of working as a team, in and outside the physical team meetings
Achieve alignment, consistency & predictability
Agree common direction, goals and priorities in the team
Share individual ambitions and create common ambitions
Get to know one another better
Working preferences, Communication styles, Cultural orientations
Build a supporting atmosphere of mutual respect and trust
Expand the mind for strategic and tactical leadership thinking
Strategic thinking, collaboration, systems thinking, leading change and having “comfort with ambiguity”
The leaders will strengthen their knowledge of leadership and increase their awareness of own leadership style.
The leaders will further develop their thinking capabilities as leaders, especially linked to:
Strategy, business development and result focus
Context and Resonance - improved communicational skills
Leading change and how to live with ambiguity and lead through uncertainty.
Leading individuals and team; Leading through questions, advocacy and inquiry, feedback, coaching based techniques, etc.
Self awareness and self development
Customers often choose to include individual leadership support through 360 feedback or other types of (self) assessment and subsequent coaching. the other things we do
Scenarios and Strategy
Scenarios as vehicle for strategic thinking and strategy development
Organisations and Change
People can create wonders and exceed ambitious targets, but they can also blow the perfect plan by just not really caring. Many leaders experience that getting employees on board is the hardest challenge of all. To leverage people and their potential is the competitive edge of the future.